Hire more efficiently with recruitment workflow automation

Author4MAT Administrator

Hiring the right people has always been time-consuming. Yet things have become even more complicated in recent years. Skills shortages have meant more competition to reach the best candidates. While recruitment teams have also felt a squeeze on resources - often being asked to do more with less.

You simply don't have time for laborious manual processes that often cause repeated work and get you nowhere fast in terms of getting the right people through the door.

Many teams have turned to automation as the answer. By automating much of the recruitment workflow, you can work faster and solve several everyday challenges. 

Keep track with ease

Manual processes have many problems, but one of the biggest is the potential loss of information, which can lead to repeat work. The simple challenge is how to know for sure what's already been done and when. It's easy to forget to log an activity. And with no reliable recruiting platform, you could end up contacting candidates multiple times with unsuitable roles.

Workflow automation allows you to build a single base of candidates than can be searched and segmented by various criteria. Not only does that make it easier to find the right prospects, but it also means you have a record of every interaction you've had with a candidate and can access all their information - all in one system.

No more time wasted contacting unsuitable candidates. And of course, less time wasted is less money wasted.

Smarter planning saves time

With such fierce competition for talent, you need to engage swiftly with candidates and do so in an organised way. This can be much harder than it sounds in a busy office environment, especially if you don't have the right tools. For first-generation companies that might not have well-established processes, it can be easy for interviews and updates to fall through the cracks - all it takes is for someone to be off sick or forget to schedule an action. And suddenly your team is covering old ground and further delaying the hire.

Automation reduces these worries. A streamlined process means you simply plug in the candidate information for your chosen team members to get notifications at each new stage. So if somebody isn't around, a fully-informed colleague can step in. The result? A huge saving on time and head-scratching for your team.

The best candidates don't hang around

Non-automated hiring takes a long time. Internal recruiters can spend up to 13 hours a week sourcing suitable candidates to put forward for one position. All the time spent reading CVs, scheduling calls, and holding interviews add up - some estimates put the cost between £5K - £6K in lost time. But there is a simple way to claw some of that back.

With automation, you can cut time to hire and free up your team to spend their time on valuable tasks instead of repetitive admin - something especially valuable for more skilled and senior members of the team. 

If you take too long to get back to candidates, they can lose interest or take another position. Studies show that the top candidates are usually hired within 10 days. You need to move quickly. With automation, you can rapidly sift the best candidates for the position and respond to keep them engaged. 

Analytics drive improvements

The real driver behind smarter, more efficient recruitment is data. VMS automation lets you gather it with ease. At a glance, you can discover statistics on closed positions, how long your hiring process takes, the number of stages, the most effective hiring sources, and much more. 

If you directly compare between regions, for example, you can see that time to hire is quicker, candidates are more engaged, and hiring managers are more satisfied. If everyone uses the system in the right way, you get actionable insights in real-time to help guide more effective recruitment. 

The key data point. More efficient recruitment processes free up time and funds to reinvest into other areas. 

Your reputation is on the line with candidates

Ultimately, it's tough for small recruitment teams to compete with big companies that have large departments and much more money to offer. But automation can help smaller teams gain a competitive edge: a strong reputation among candidates in their sectors. 

Many candidates are bombarded with opportunities and can easily become frustrated by recruiters who fail to follow up or send them repeat information.

Prompt, efficient communication helps develop company advocates. Even if the time is not right for them to take a position right now - they'll be more engaged and likely to join in the future. 

Ready to automate your recruitment workflow? Speak to us today. 

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