Employment Fraud

Today's online and interconnected world is constantly evolving and can be a tricky place to navigate. Unfortunately, online fraud is constantly evolving too, long gone are the emails of Princes moving money out of a country and offering you a regal sum for your help.

Now more sophisticated ways exist with the sole aim of getting your bank details and taking your hard-earned savings. Recruitment agencies around the world are often targeted to extract bank details or money from unsuspecting people by way of a guaranteed job offer. 

How to protect yourself:

The simplest way to protect from any kind of fraud is to contact the company directly via its registered phone number, postal address, email address and website. Paying special attention to the website and email address e.g. www.bankofamerica.com is the US bank and www.bankofamericabank.com is not and could likely be fraud.

Our recruiters identify themselves from TRS and will follow up with an official TRS email address from one of the following branded TRS domains. 

  • @trsstaffing.com

  • trsstaffing.agency

Please note TRS staff do not use the TELEGRAM messaging app to communicate with our candidates. Any communications received via this platform purporting to be from TRS should be treated as a scam communication. 

Our teams will never ask for money in return for services and we will only ask for bank details after an offer has been accepted which includes an extensive review to ensure both parties are suited to each other. 

If you are unsure of contact made you should hold off responding until you have confirmed its legitimacy by contacting the office in question using the contact details provided on our official website 

How did they get my data?

There are a number of ways to gain access to peoples data, whether it's a data breach, sold online by another 3rd party (even legitimate sources such as job boards), gathered together from auto dialers or gleamed from Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat or Strava or one of the many websites that ask for an email or phone number to register an account on. 

You can check to see if your data has been breached here and you can check if the password you use is compromised here

TRS Staffing Solutions take data security seriously, we are registered with the ICO, hold several security accreditations, and will never sell on your information.

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