Mining in Western Australia

Yunis Lombard our consultant managing the role
Posting date: 21 March 2018

Mining in Western Australia has risen in economic and recruitment possibilities throughout the past year. With ever-expanding mining projects throughout this area, it is clear to see an attraction for those perusing a mining career. We take a look at how mining in Western Australia has affected the economy on a global scale, as well as the recruitment potential in mining jobs WA.

How has mining roles increased the economy?

The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety has recorded that for 2016, the cumulative value for the world’s top 50 mining projects was estimated over $124 billion. 32% of this value is said to have derived from projects within Western Australia.

Staggering results have led to an increase in job availability and security, as many projects are set to produce profits across all materials. In 2016-17, WA mineral and petroleum industry reported sales in the region of $105 billion. This is a 19% increase from the previous year – which was led by the increase in iron ore prices and growth in gold and LNG sectors.

Western Australia accounts for 99% of iron ore production throughout the entirety of Australia. It can be expected that this incline is set to continue throughout this year, offering substantial profits and stability in mining jobs in Australia.

How has iron ore made an economic impact?

A record 790 million tonnes of iron ore was sold within 2016-17, accumulating a value of $63.7 billion. Output increased in Rio Tinto due to the increase of new and expanded mines alongside productivity improvements. Mining recruitment agencies in Australia have expanded the workforce, and continue to do so, due to increase in demand and further mining developments.

According to the economist, Australia’s terms of trade regarding mining ore spiked in response to China’s demand for materials including iron ore and coal. Phillip Lowe reveals that the price of Australia’s exports, relative to its imports, reached the highest level since the gold rushes of the 1850s. Economic success enabled further mining recruitment across Western Australia. The increase in mining engineering jobs and the appearance of fly in fly out workers (FIFOS) produced a healthy local economy and an inflation of the housing market. An important factor of this is the attraction of investors throughout Australia, interested in the further economic potential found within mining.

FIFOS from a mining recruitment agencies perspective

Fly in Fly out working provides the opportunity for your company to fly you to the main site to work for the period of your roster and stay in shared accommodation, your company then flies you home to your family. This form of work is generally recommended for those without Children, as an alternative lifestyle choice you will typically be placed in remote areas not usually related to raising families. As this is a major change in lifestyle, for the right people, FIFO working can provide a better working and private life in terms of scheduled work/rest periods.

This working lifestyle, therefore, offers a balance between work and personal life, including a healthy salary. The Balance suggests that an extra 30% to 50% can be expected on your salary and in some circumstances more. FIFO working regarding mining jobs isn’t always beneficial to all, for example, it can be difficult for those with young families. Long durations away from the family home means it can be easy to miss out on certain milestones when children are involved; however the opportunities available offer financial prosperity for the family. It is therefore important to consider individual lifestyles and interests to determine whether this working routine is suited to all affected.

Can Mining engineers in Australia balance family and work life?

It is possible to create a healthy family life while working as a FIFO employee. My Fifo Family encourage the belief that becoming a FIFO/DIDO/BIBO family can be a positive and rewarding decision regarding the family. Their careful research and production of family-friendly resources including activity packs and books provide a positive learning tool to interact with your children to help them understand this family lifestyle choice.

Family Matters was launched in 2010, providing free support to families in mining, oil, and gas in Australia. Tips, tricks, and advice encourage an open and honest family life, that encourages quality time and attention, as well support for all whilst apart. It is clear that systems are in place to educate families on how to approach this alternative lifestyle choice, and forefront the potential quality of life for both employees and their families. This working routine is a difficult commitment; however, it is possible to have just as healthy and positive relationships as any other roster.

Mining jobs in Western Australia are increasing in economic success, however, it is recommended to carefully consider what lifestyle would be most beneficial for you.


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